The Star Wars newbie tips to watching Star Wars in theaters

Disclaimer: if you are my friend and a Star Wars fanatic, this confession may lead you to have negative thoughts about who you perceived me to be. If you would prefer to not hear about the absence of Star Wars in my life prior to the Star Wars: The Force Awakens screening, scroll to the bottom of this post to find movie reviews from friends that are real devoted Star Wars fans. I realize I might be standing alone as the only person to have no background information about Star Wars before choosing to attend this screening.

Hi, I’m Heather and I’m a Star Wars newbie.  

Mid work day last week I received an email that would ultimately change the course of my life. Yes, my life. You see until that day, I do not recall ever fully watching any of the Star War films. Not one. I happily followed along in my friends’ many adventures and entertaining posts about their excitement for the newest film. However, until that day, the fear of not knowing enough about the film’s history had me contemplating joining the world for a Star Wars movie marathon leading up to this week. Those plans were secured when I opened the email inviting me to an advanced screening of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I spent the last week preparing and now can share exactly what you need to know, as a fellow Star Wars newbie, to survive this epic film.  

Star Wars Newbie The Force Awakens viewing tips

The Star Wars newbie tips to watching Star Wars: The Force Awakens

1) Learn the main characters.

I’m not talking about the newly introduced characters. You must have a fundamental base knowledge to understand the film. 

Princess Leia: She’s in charge and wears braids but changes up her hair in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Han Solo: People know him. The good guys, the bad guys, they all know him. You should too.

Chewbacca: He’s a “Wookie Male Warrior” (thanks Wikipedia) and doesn’t leave Han’s side. He understands people but only speaks Wookie.

Luke Skywalker: Also well known by all.

R2-D2: A droid with a serious commitment to Luke Skywalker. He expresses sadness in low power mode.

C-3PO: He’s gold and no one knows him as C-P30 perhaps spoken from personal experience.

Darth Vader: Don’t ask why he doesn’t make a live appearance in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, just don’t.

There are certainly other characters you could benefit from knowing but watching Star Wars: The Force Awakens with nothing more than a few days of prep time, these are the characters you should commit to learning about.

Don’t mess this up – Han Solo is in Star Wars; Prince Hans is not.

Star Wars newbie, Han Solo vs Prince Hans

2) Learn the relationships.

  • Han Solo and Princess Leia have deep affections for each other.
  • Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker are siblings.
  • Han Solo and Chewbacca are serious BFFs.
  • Luke Skywalker is R2-D2’s master.
  • C-3PO and R2-D2 are also BFFs!

There are hundreds of other relationships you should probably know but if you’re short on time, this should have you covered.

Star Wars newbie, learn the relationships before you watch Star Wars The Force Awakens!

3) Do not binge watch all the films then drink yourself silly with caffeine to be awake when you see Star Wars: The Force Awakens

You will inevitably have to pee multiple times and be the only person getting up for a restroom break. Game over, cover blown.

Star Wars newbie

Follow these easy tips for success as a Star Wars newbie when you watch Star Wars: The Force Awakens in theaters this weekend.

If you’re looking for a real review of Star Wars: The Force Awakens from true fans and enthusiasts, check out these posts from my friends (and favorite people for fact checking my insanely idiotic assumptions about Star Wars):

Make me feel better and leave a comment about how you too were failed by your parents and didn’t grow up with a love for Star Wars. All kidding aside, it’s absolutely normal to have to mentally remind yourself Harrison and Han both starting with the letter H is a perfect way to confirm Harrison Ford is in fact not Luke Skywalker, right?

13 thoughts on “The Star Wars newbie tips to watching Star Wars in theaters”

  1. Lmao! Fantastic! I thought I was going to fall asleep trying to sit through it with my hubby and 5-year-old (who have both seen ALL of THEM), since I’d have no clue what was happening! Whew- H = H…. Got it! You rock. 🙂

    • I only have daughters and so far Star Wars has not been a topic in our home. BUT now that I’m a legit fan I need to get my six year old excited about this film too! Don’t drink too much coffee when you see it in theaters!

  2. I love this. All of this!!! Everything I know about Star Wars I learned from Star Tours in Walt Disney World. I saw the first one (like the first one to be released, not Episode 1 or whatever) and honestly thought it was a comedy. I didn’t like it. I’ll stick to Space Balls. lol

    • Thanks, I too have some Star Tours history but that’s all I could pull from when I was invited to this screening. So glad I put the time in to help other newbies too!

  3. Since I have never seen any Star Wars films, you are not alone! I am going to see The Force Awakens this weekend with my husband, so I needed this so I don’t ask him 100 questions!! The relationships graphic is extremely helpful!!


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