Self-care routine for the busy parent

Thank you to the makers of 5-hour™ TEA shots for sponsoring this post.

Self-care routine for the busy parent

By the time I get to Friday afternoon, the last question I want asked is what we have planned for the weekend. While it’s always fun activities on the weekend agenda, we very rarely have a day at home. Having an active family with children in sports and other commitments has us running around every day of the week, including on the weekends. We recognize the importance of a self-care routine for busy parents but with so much already packed into the days that’s the last thing we ever prioritize. With the help of 5-hour™ TEA shots I’m getting back to a consistent self-care routine for the busy parent. With the one step at a time approach I’m slowly getting back to the things I enjoy most instead of worrying about the time I don’t have to do them.

My husband recently gifted me a leather journal and while it might have felt like a simple gift, for me it held so much more meaning. Prior to having children, writing in a journal was part of my daily routine. From the time I was a child I kept a journal full of my deepest thoughts and it is always where I turned to share emotions. My most celebrated moments were documented in years of journals. It’s also where I shared my saddest days and challenging experiences as a young adult. Now this blog is where I let out that creative energy but I’ve always longed for the time to invest in writing daily in a journal for nothing more than my own self-care purposes. This gift was very impactful because it reminded me how important taking that time for myself truly is.

My husband and daughters are my absolute priority and the things I previously enjoyed spending my time on have slowly deteriorated. As a parent you easily fall into the day to day routine of simply working, keeping up your home, and managing your household schedule. Add in meals for the entire family, packing lunches, never forgetting a signed field trip permission slip, signing up for t-ball snacks, parent-teacher conferences, sports practices, weekend games, birthday party invites from friends and hundreds more of those little everyday things that mean the world to your family. Adding in something else feels impossible most days. This month I’ve slowly started committing to spending 15 minutes in my journal everyday and it has felt fabulous. I’m committing time to myself and although I’m exhausted most days by the time I get here, it’s easily one of the most important things I’m doing in the day.

This is where a 5-hour™ TEA shot enters my self-care routine. It’s the one thing I can easily do to help myself feel alert and energized. The caffeine from 5-hour™ TEA comes from green tea leaves. Each bottle has zero calories and is packed with vitamins, nutrients and about as much caffeine as a cup of the leading premium coffee. I can feel great with one quick drink instead of painfully sipping my way through a full cup of coffee.

There are three great flavor varieties: Peach Tea, Lemonade Tea and Raspberry Tea.

What do you do to prioritize a self-care routine for the busy parent?

Find 5-hour™ TEA shots at your local Walmart or other preferred retailer.

8 thoughts on “Self-care routine for the busy parent”

  1. Yes! Definitely need those, says MrsFrugalSamurai… but you don’t even have kids yet, says I… well, let’s just bookmark this site shall we, she replies.

    And so here we are, thanks for sharing – we’ll be referencing it back time and time again no doubt!


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