Tips to clear skin – in home blue light therapy for acne

I wrote this review while participating in a campaign for Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Silk’n Home Skinovations. I received product to facilitate a review and thank me for participating. All opinions are my own.

I’m the perfect mom. I always succeed. My body and face are flawless. None of these statements are true about anyone unless the person making the claim truly believes it to be true. I am the perfect mom because I know everyday I’m doing my very best. I do always succeed because I’ve treated each failure as a learning opportunity adding it to the list of things that have made me stronger and better. Is my body and face flawless? Here’s where my confidence doesn’t shine. I do have flaws and up until recently I covered those blemishes with excessive makeup. With enough confidence that isn’t necessary but it wasn’t until I started using the Silk’n Blue, professional light therapy treatment for acne, I would leave my house without makeup. Treating my blemishes with blue light therapy boosted my confidence and I’m giving my face a breather from daily makeup.


As much as I wish I could say I wake up looking flawless everyday, it simply isn’t true. Most mornings I wake up to dark circles under my red eyes and a face covered in blemishes. Although the blemishes may look small, they were the reason I wouldn’t leave my house without makeup. I’m the girl that never went anywhere without makeup, not even the gym or pool. Days at the water park required heavy foundation, waterproof mascara, and plans not to get my face wet. That’s just silly.


As a teenager my mom bought me every product with an infomercial to help acne. The results were never perfect leaving me to give up on the treatment and simply opt for makeup instead. I also went to several different dermatologists and never stuck with the treatment plans. Now, at 32 years old, I’ve found a product that works. The Silk’n Blue is a handheld device for professional acne light therapy in the comfort and privacy of your own home. It is clinically tested, recommended by dermatologists, and easy to use. The gentle synergistic power of fractional blue light is the same as what is used in dermatologists offices with a built in safety temperature. The device never exceeds 106° F making it completely safe to use at home. The handheld device comes with a charger and does not require batteries.


How does the Silk’n Blue work?

Simply apply the blue light on each infected area for 3-4 minutes daily. The blue light immediately starts to break up bacteria preventing further breakouts. When used daily, best results for clear skin are visible in 3-7 weeks. 


My Silk’n Blue sits on my bathroom counter and I use it every night before bed. I have a few spots on my face prone to breakouts so I use the device on those places nightly. In less than 20 minutes a day I started seeing results in a few weeks. Once I started seeing results I used the device for clear skin maintenance every 2-3 days.


The Silk’n Blue gave me the confidence to go out without wearing makeup. I’m no longer purchasing acne control creams or having to worry about their effects like dryness. Whether you have minor acne like me or more moderate acne, the Silk’n Blue just might be the product to boost your confidence too.

Save 20% on the purchase of your Silk’n Blue with code EXTRATWENTY. Discount valid until 9/30/14.

I love my Silk’n Blue but other tips I have for clear skin include:

  • wash your face before bed
  • don’t wear makeup when you’ll be sweating and your pores are open
  • moisturize

Could you use a confidence boost with the Silk’n Blue too?

Learn more about the Silk’n Blue by connecting with Silk’n Home Skinovations on Facebook and Twitter.

#SilknProducts #MC

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