Sun Safety Tips

My husband works at a women’s healthcare company committed to effective early cancer detection methods. For as long as I can remember, sun safety has been an important topic in our home. However, growing up I didn’t take the same sun safety precautions and recall many extreme sunburns. Having a very light complexion, regular sun exposure with out the right sunscreen is very dangerous. My husband and daughter have a golden brown complexion and do not turn red after many hours in the sun. Just because their sun exposure shows as a dark tan does not mean they can skip over sun safety. Learning how to protect your skin with the right sunscreen is critical. This week Whole Foods Market is teaching you how to pick the perfect sunscreen. They are also celebrating sun safety with 30% off sun care products May 23rd to May 26th, 2014.


We are longtime fans of Whole Foods Market and shop there for everything from groceries to vinyl records. This week while shopping you can also learn the importance of finding the right skin care products. Just because my daughter has a golden brown skin tone and never turns red in the sun doesn’t mean she can avoid wearing sunscreen. Sun damage occurs well before your skin turns red. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends everyone wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 30.


The Academy also says too much sun exposure can cause sunburn, freckles, changes to skin texture, rashes, and dilated blood vessels. Additionally, sun exposure increases the risk of skin cancer and is the cause of 90% of wrinkles. Although we normally think of sun exposure during the warm summer months, sunscreen should be worn daily all through the year. Running along the beach in the winter requires just as much sunscreen as lounging by the pool in the summer.


Carlsbad, California 2013

Wearing protective clothing is a great way to increase protection from harmful rays. Carry a pop up shade in your car to ensure cover during extended times in the sun at the park, beach, or pool.


Hawaii 2009

Sweating and contact with water change the overall effectiveness of sunscreen. If you’re swimming plan to reapply sunscreen often.


Dana Point, California 2014

With such a range in sun protection products and SPFs, how do you pick the perfect sunscreen

Sun Safety Tips – how to pick the perfect sunscreen:

  • remember that all skin types are different and have different needs but the American Academy of Dermatology recommends that you wear a broad spectrum sunscreen with a SPF of 30
  • Physical sunscreens instead of chemical sunscreens work immediately and don’t seep into the skin
  • Nano-sized physical sunscreens could potentially harm tissue and the long-term effects are not known
  • Wear protective clothing to increase your sun safety
  • Reapply sunscreen often when sweating or spending time in the water

The Whole Body Department at Whole Foods Market locations offer Premium Body Care products with out chemical sunscreen active ingredients for the most safe sun protection. Expert tips and product suggestions are provided by educated store representatives.

Print the Whole Foods Market Sun Safety poster with tips to help remind you everyday to apply your sunscreen.


Find your favorite sun care products on sale with 30% off at Whole Foods Market May 23rd to May 26th, 2014.

Do you use sunscreen everyday?

Learn more about the Whole Foods Market by connecting with the Phoenix area locations on Twitter. Learn more about my local  store by connecting with Whole Foods Market Tempe on Facebook.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post for Whole Foods Market. All opinions are entirely my own. 

1 thought on “Sun Safety Tips”

  1. We’re on vacation and I just realized how invaluable the wet sunscreens are. My girls are way too impatient to allow their skin to dry, then to reapply traditional spray sunscreens. These are definitely worth it!


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